The easy part

Oh. My. God.

The writing is easy, it’s the formatting that’s killing me.

Who knew? Not much progress today, as everything has taken on the just-formatted sheen of an actual manuscript. I’m still about 30k words away from where I want to be, but I’ve got a good start on five (possibly six) more tales before the collection is complete. And I gotta tell you, collecting works that have been written by at least three different versions of Word and pulling them into a pretty picture has taken most of my day away. So far, here’s what I think I’ve got:

There’s a lot of sameness here that’s just going to have to go! Lots of talk about shoes (for some reason) and feet. Maybe I’ve spent a good deal of my life looking at my feet? It’s possible. Reminds me of a joke: How do you know the sound tech is an extrovert? He looks at your chin when he’s talking to you.

Also, many of the pieces seem to start in the dark. It’s really odd to me. I’m a complete believer in S.A.D., by the way, but … man, there’s just too much darkness and winter here.

Happily, I can work on that. I’ve got the time.
