But if you try sometimes, you might find

You get what you need.

Rejection. So, I was having a conversation with someone yesterday who was in the process of rejecting me. It was obvious to me that the situation was much more awkward for him as it was for me. This guy actually felt bad about not being able to give me what I wanted. In the moment I said, “I’m completely comfortable being rejected.”

Since then, I’ve given that statement much more thought than I did at the time. And today I stand by what I said. I’m fine being rejected. In fact, I think I handle that whole thing pretty well. I have a fairly long track record with it.

There’s always a sting of disappointment. I’ll give any agent/publisher/director/employer that. I am, in the moment disappointed. But I’m self-aware enough to know how fleeting that feeling can be. I’m not a sulker. I’m a move-on-er. (Now, I also know there have been times in my life when I haven’t moved-on. And I think I can safely say nothing good has ever come from behaving badly in those moments. And for that, I’m truly regretful.)

Here’s the point: I know enough about myself to understand that if I put my manuscript out into the world, if I audition, if I apply for the job, if I venture into the unknown, I’m strong enough to absorb the message that the decider in these circumstances can always choose to go another way.

I’m fine with that.

I’m even better if there’s something I can learn along the way.

So, all you potential rejectors out there … give yourselves a break.

I’m a big boy. I can take it.